If you are a beginner at prepping meals, you would probably like to know more info on how to meal prep for beginners. It can seem like it is a daunting task but do not worry, and it isn’t. Once you get used to it, you’ll be an expert. It is just like anything else.

You need to learn and keep at it and get better. You can’t just pick up a guitar and play Stairway to Heaven! You have to learn and practice. So, let’s take a look at some useful tips for prepping meals for beginners. Experiment and enjoy the experience!

The Plan

No, that’s not Tattoo from Fantasy Island! You need to come up with some kind of plan. If you have no plan, you will get confused, and it can get daunting.

So the most important initial step is to devise a meal prep plan. This means you also need to plan your grocery shopping. This is a good thing because now, you can shop more efficiently based on your meal plan. Nothing goes to waste.

A lot of this comes down to time. If you have the time, then great. If not, you’ll have to think of ways to use your time efficiently. Write down your meal prep plan on a piece of paper and stick it somewhere conspicuous in the kitchen.

You could plan something for the week with some variations, or you could have the same thing every day for that week. It all depends on you and your time.

Meal Delivery Services

One other very reasonable option for someone who does not have the time to do the above is to use a meal plan delivery service. These are specially prepared and cooked meals by a qualified chef. All you have to do is heat and eat! Your life becomes so simple, you save time, and you will enjoy eating healthy, nutritious meals. These will then be delivered to you.

These are some tips on how to meal prep for beginners. If you can, enjoy going for it. If you are too busy, you always have a great option in meal plan delivery services.


Once you have a plan, you need to do the grocery shopping. This becomes so much easier and faster. You will know what you need based on whatever meal prep plan you came up with. You can get in and get out and save loads of time, unlike many who aimlessly walk through the aisles, not having a clue what they want or need.

On the other hand, you have planned already, so grocery shopping will be a cinch! You can get all your items quickly, head home, and start your preparations confidently.

Time to Cook!

Since you are just a beginner, start with simple things, and then you can build up once you get used to it and feel confidence coursing through your veins!

You will be an expert in no time and can experiment further down the road. For now, keep it simple. The best thing to do is use easy recipes. Easy recipes do not call for a lot of ingredients in general. This makes it easier on you.

You won’t feel too stressed or find the whole process too overwhelming. Depending on what you choose to cook, you can sometimes be done in less than an hour.

Be Realistic

If you have a busy lifestyle and are socially active, this will reflect on your meal prep. You need to be realistic; otherwise, it can get difficult and frustrating, and you may rush. Take your social life or other activities into consideration.

You want to be able to do this for the long term. If you start shying away from friends or stop going to the gym, you will eventually give up. So remember this as part of your planning as well.

Using Similar Ingredients

Here’s a trick you can try so that you don’t run out every time something goes missing. You can diversify what you cook by using different sauces, for example. This way, it also seems like you have something different to eat.

Look for recipes with proper portions of proteins, vegetables, meat or carbohydrates. This helps you to cut down on buying too many different items when grocery shopping.

Buy stuff that you can use again and again. Use the same veggies or meat, but try using different sauces or cooking it in different ways so that this diversification will keep you eating and tasting something different.

Prepping Staple Ingredients

You can cut up certain veggies and place them in air-tight containers. They are then ready to be used whenever you need them. If time is a factor, you can get some of these veggies that are already pre-chopped, though they will probably be a little more expensive.

Use the ingredients and cook your meals. You can then place them in a freezer. All you have to do when you get back is heat it. Simple!